
Founded in 2014 by Cameron Russell, Harry Pitcher and Jordan Crawford, what set out to become KillerStance began as a small photography group known as StaticLows, quickly expanding to become a growing base for media coverage of shows across the country. 

Now with an international team of Photographers, Videographers and Bloggers (And one name change later) KillerStance is a hub of activity, creating and sharing content from around the world. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work, which we have now expanded to include various products that you can buy to show your support. 

We hope you enjoy our work, and don't forget to #killerstance .


Who we are

Cameron Russell - Bossman and photographer.  @crpix_

Harry Pitcher - Designer and Videographer. @hjpitchers

Jordan Crawford - Audio man and Photographer. @trifectamedia

Max Hawkes - RC Car builder and Photographer. @airc_customs / @max_killerstance

Kieran Bicknell - Webmaster and photographer. @exhaustedphotography

Grant Marriott. Full time Pokemon Trainer, Part - time Designer and photographer -@grantmarriot


Alongside our core members, we also have photographers around the world, bringing you international coverage and features. These are;


Jack Smith - @Exquisiteautomotive

Tom Keegan - @redelevenmedia

Sol Keth
- Solinda Keth Design

Sotana Keth
- @sotanakethphotography

Tom Kington
- @Scrape_Media

Connor Gosden
- @connorgosdenphotography